The main purpose of the cargo boat is to carry bulk cargo in pallets for short voyage within port limit and able ferry maximum four (4) workers occasionally. It is also to reconstitute the Singapore traditional wooden Bumboat with aluminium hull.

The boat is designed with double chine aluminium hull and equipped with two (2) propulsion engines with the total power of 710HP and two (2) fixed propellers with rudders. The boat is divided by four (4) watertight bulkheads. 

The superstructure and both bulwarks and funnels are built in aluminium material. All equipment is placed inboard to avoid damage due to heeling of the boat. The heeling angle of the boat shall not exceed 15 degrees.  The accommodation space is composed of a double berth with rest area and toilet with showers/wash basins. The pilot house is connected to the accommodation space. The exposed deck is equipped with mooring, towing and bilge pumps.  Life jackets are provided and store in cabinet inside accommodation space.